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Should She Keep Her Genotype Secret And Get Married? Blog Reader Needs Your Advice

Good evening laila, pls am sending this email on behalf of my friend, she asked me for advice and i suggested we bring it here as we are both blog readers (hide our identities tho).
Shes 32 and there is pressure on her to get married. She met a guy and they got along so well but the first question he asked her was what her blood group is and she answered AA (which she thought she was because thats what her sch id card read after test was done in school) the guy said he is AS and he is required to marry AA so the wedding plans started, so there was a time she had a lump in her breast and she went to the hospital for treatment and another test was carried out just for the doctor to tell her shes AS...she has gone to 3 different hospitals it all came out AS . Shes so confused as for what to do....our other friends suggests she doesnt tell her fiance and just go ahead with the wedding plans. I dont know what advice to give her. Pls laila blog readers what do u think?

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