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5 Things Ladies Want In A Man’s Pen!s: Not All Women Want A Big One{Must Read}

Have you ever thought about what makes a pen!s attractive? Not sure? Well, don’t rely on your opinion to answer that question…. From researches we carried out we were able to figure out those things [5] ladies really want in a Man’s pen!s. Enjoy as you read below;

1. It Doesn’t Have To Be That Big

A woman’s G-sp0t is actually only about 2 inches into her va-gi-na – therefore, the myth that men have to have a huge pen!s to give a woman an 0rgazm is just that – a myth. A pen!s can be sati-sfy-ing to a woman and cause g-sp0t 0rgazms if it’s over 3″ long, however, the average pen!s size is about 5 inches. So in reality, most men are able to satisfy a woman with the equipment they’ve got.

2. Slight Upward Curve

The g-sp0t is located on the top wall of the vag!na, on the stomach side – not the butt side. So if your pen!s has a slight upward curve, it’s simply going to hit the g-sp0t even better. If your pen!s goes straight out, that’s not bad either. If your pen!s curves downward, you may want to experiment with different siex positions to find a way to st-im-ulate her g-sp0t with your pen!s.

D0ggy style is actually an excellent siex position to try if you want to stimu-late her g-sp0t but your pen!s curves downwards. Some men have a pen!s that curves slightly to the left or right – this usually does not affect a woman sie-xually, unless you are long enough to stim-ulate her A-F-E Zone, which is much farther back than the g-sp0t.

3. A Wide Head

Again, the head is where it’s at for a woman. This is what will st-imul-ate her g-sp0t during s-ex and give her incredible 0rgazms. Although her g-sp0t isn’t very big, the wider the head of your pen!s is, the more it will rub up against it and st-imu-late it.

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