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Things Lesbians Will Not Want You To Say To Them

I will advise you to read thoroughly through this tips about “What lesbian will never want you to say to them”.

1) Which one is a Guy in your relationship?
I’m a woman, and I’m engaged to be married to a woman. Walking down the street, people stare at us if we are holding hands. They question how we know each other. They say things to us that they would never consider saying to a straight couple. We are singled out because we are “different.” It’s weird though, because we don’t feel different. We don’t think of ourselves as a “lesbian couple.” We think of ourselves as a “couple”—a couple who is madly in love and who doesn’t want to hide that love in order to make other people feel more comfortable. People have their own idea of what a lesbian relationship looks like, and if someone doesn’t fit that bill, then it’s really hard for people to understand. And not understanding, apparently, opens the door for a line of questioning.
These are some of the real-life questions my fiancé and I get on a daily basis, along with my responses.
Answer: Neither. We are both girls. That’s kind of the point.
This second question is…….
2 You look like sisters!
Well, we’re not. I’m almost positive that a man and a woman who are dating (or married) don’t get told they look like siblings. In fact, that’s probably the last thing anyone wants to hear about the person they’re sleeping with.
3 Have you always been a lesbian?
Answer: I was straight until I wasn’t. Have you always liked mustard? You didn’t until you did, right? Sexuality isn’t always one way or the other.
4 I’ve never been to a gay wedding, can I come?
Answer: There will be cake, dancing and that one relative who gets too drunk. It’s pretty similar to a non-gay wedding. Actually, it’s exactly the same. So, let’s just call it “wedding” and leave out the “gay.” And sure, you can come if you’re invited.
With all this i think You’ve learn one or two things about lesbian be careful with what you say outside.

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