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Are You Raising The Next Generation Leaders?

I start with the premise that the
function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers. 

Nader. Sam Walton states that outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost
the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it’s amazing
what they can accomplish.

Who can be a leader? What does it takes
to be a leader? Warren Bennis argues that the most dangerous leadership myth is
that leaders are born-that there is a genetic factor to leadership, but the
opposite is true. He believes that Leaders are made rather than born. 

What kind
of leader do you wish to become? According to Rosalynn Carter, she states that
a leader takes people where they want to go but a great leader takes people
where they don’t necessarily want to go. Jack welch notes that before you think
of being a leader, success is all about growing yourself but when you become a
leader, success becomes about growing others.
Success without a successor equals
Even the bible says that ‘when there is no Vision,
the people Perish’ (Proverbs
). Just so you know, a successor necessarily doesn’t have to be
your kids. A successor can be your friend, a partner, a spouse, a start-up organisation;
it can be anyone from anywhere.

The best gift a leader can give is the
gift of MENTORING. It is important
to nurture someone who would take after you. Jesus mentored his disciples and followers; he told peter, you will
build my church and continue in my absence. 

Jesus knew the importance of
mentoring, which is why it is advisable to have someone who would take after
you and continue your story once you are gone.
I leave you with this food for thought; when
you become successful and fail to have a successor to carry on after you, what
happens in your absence? What will
be your legacy?
Written by Pamela Okonne.

Source : Link KL


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