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Read how Adolf Hitler was sexually aroused by an unspeakably dirty act

– Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler had an unspeakable sexual fetish according to an American report.

 – American agents drew up the report during WWII to gather intel on Hitler.

 – The murderous leader was dogged by rumous of sexual deviance throughout his lifetime.

Adolf Hitler had a revolting sexual fetish according to a top secret spy dossier.

Wartime studies by a US intelligence agency found the evil dictator had a passion for ‘poo sex.’

The Nazi leader reportedly loved women performing the act while standing over him.

Hitler has long been rumoured to be a sexual deviant

This disgusting revelation comes after it emerged that Hitler was afflicted with a micro penis as well as just having one testical.

Dr Walter C Langer produced an intelligence report, later turned into a book, called “A Psychological Analysis of Adolph Hitler His Life and Legend”.

This document for the US Office of Strategic Services exposed his stomach churning sex life.

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Dr Langer concluded Hitler was a ‘coprophiliac’ – someone who gets turned on by poo.

“The practice of this perversion represents the lowest depths of degradation,” the doctor said.

Hideously, he would like a woman to do it when he was laying down.


Hitler is believed to have had a sexual relationship with his niece Geli Raubal


allegedly performed this gross sexual fantasy with his niece Geli Raubal.

She then confided in Hitler’s Nazi pal Otto Strasser about what had happened – and he later ended up fleeing.

Nazi Brown Shirt leader Ernst Rhoem once alluded to his leader’s bizarre fetish during an evening out.

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Western spies picked up on the abhorrent desire and included it in the report on Hitler.

Rhoem also reportedly said Hitler loved peasant girls.

“When they stand in the fields and bend down at their work so that you can see their behinds, that’s what he likes, especially when they’ve got big round ones,” Rhoem said.


The report on Hitler was used by intelligence agencies to help win WWII

“That’s Hitler’s sex life what a man.”

It is not known whether Hitler’s micro penis is what drove him to such sexual depravity.

A micro penis is an unusually small penis, smaller than 7cm when fully aroused which 0.6% of men suffer from.

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