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OMG : The Cost of raising a child jumps to N160m


Those who preside over big business, in power or its corridors, don’t count money when it comes to raising their children. They splash hundreds of millions on the birth, education and well being of their off-springs.

From pregnancy, cradle to crèche, all through school and university, the super rich laden on the paths of their children the best on offer across the world.

And a child of the abundantly blessed born today would feast through almost N200 million before he graduates. From health care, food, education, clothing, vacation, etc, more than N170 million was accounted for, investigation revealed.

The expenses begin with pregnancy where ‘madam’ is registered at the best hospital in town. With facilities similar to 5-star hotels, and specialists at her beck and call, more than N2 million would have been spent by the time the lucky baby is ready to be born.

And those in this league don’t really have their off-springs here. Perhaps ‘madam’ is ferried to the United Kingdom or United States of America, accompanied by a nanny or relation.

A first class ticket right now is in the region of N1.5 million on any of the choice airlines. And if she’s accompanied by a nanny or relation, another N350,000 goes on air fare in economy class.

Before madam travels abroad, in their mansion here in Nigeria, a bespoke nursery filled with furniture and furnishing that holler money is prepared. The sex of the unborn baby comes to play in the choice of colour and facilities in the nursery which will cost about N1.5 million.

Abroad, another nursery where the baby will spend the first three months of its life will also be decorated in their home there. Another N1.5 million is spent on this nursery.

A renowned hospital with decorated physicians is chosen for the next stage of anti-natal and delivery of the baby. Most first rate hospitals in the United Kingdom or United States charge about $10,000 (N3.2 million).

After spending a few days in the specialist hospital, madam moves home, and settles with baby’s nanny and a maid. If they are foreigners, their salaries are higher. And another N2.7 million is expended on nanny and maid. But if only a maid is engaged, that’s just £3,000 for three months (N1.35 million).

After three months, madam, baby and nanny return home to Nigeria. And after shopping heavily for baby’s clothes and essentials, they hardly need to buy anything here – except odds and ends.

When the baby is of age, he starts crèche, pre-school and nursery. And there are schools in the metropolis where N3 million is charged per session. Before the child is ready for primary school, more than N10 million would have been spent.

Primary school is another ball game, with some of the best also charging about N3 million per session. And with six years of primary school, that is N18 million we are talking about.

The children of the super rich usually attend secondary school abroad, from United Kingdom, United States and Switzerland to Canada. The boarding school cost an average of £30,000 per session (that’s N13.5 million). And in five years, that’s N67.5 million.

That’s excluding many extra curricular activities.

The flight to begin school abroad will cost an average of N350,000 (economy class, if the child is unspoilt and the parents are pragmatic).

All through school, the child will come home for vacation at least once a year – and that’s five times all through secondary school. At N350,000 per trip, that’s N1.75 million.

We have excluded A’ level or foundation year. A levels in the UK in some of the prestigious schools cost about £60,000, which is N27 million.

Foundation year is a bit cheaper – costing about £15,000 for tuition. Accommodation varies, depending on the facilities and location. Another £15,000 will go on accommodation, feeding and up keep. That’s a total of £30,000 (N13.5 million).

University education cost a bit less than secondary school in the United Kingdom, with tuition perching at £10,000 on the average (N4.5 million). And in three years, you would have parted with N13.5 million.

That’s excluding accommodation, feeding and upkeep, and travel expenses back home during the three years. Another £10,000 each year (£30,000, that’s N13.5 million) may go into this area.

So, from pregnancy to cradle, crèche to primary school to university, the child of the super rich goes through a budget of almost N170 million!



Ante natal                                        2,000,000

Flight to deliver                                1,500,000

Nanny’s flight                                       350,000

Baby room                                        3,000,000

Hospital                                             4,000,000

Maid and nanny                                2,700,000

Pre-school to Nursery                11,000,000

Primary school                               18,000,000

Flight to attend school    


Secondary school                           70,000,000

Travelling x 5                                  1,750,000

University                                       27,000,000

Special activity                             1,000,000

A/Level                                            27,000,000

Total                                             169,650,000

Average family spends N12. 6 million to raise a child, middle class splash N70.6 million

For the average family or those well settled in middle class, the cost of raising a child born in 2016 has soared. While the average parents will spend over N12 million from pregnancy, birth through nursery, primary, secondary to university, the middle class family has to contend with raising over N70 million!

Here are the cost centres of raising a typical average family or middle class child…


                        Average family              Upper Middle Class

Ante natal                                   50,000                                    200,000

Baby things                              120,000                                   500,000

Child birth                                   70,000                                    500,000

Creche/primary                          300,000                               1,200,000

Primary school                        5,000,000                                15,000,000

Secondary school                   5,000,000                                38,000,000

WAEC, GCE, UTME                     60,000                                  60,000

Lesson                                        60,000                                           150,000

University                                2,100,000                                15,000,000

Total                             12,660,1000                      70, 610,000

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