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Photos and Video : N*ked Couple Caught Having S*x in Broad Daylight While Smoking Cigarettes

A really randy couple who couldn’t wait to get to a more private place have been caught having s*x right in the open.

The couple were seen having s*x in broad daylight just yards from hundreds of students in a college.
A dark-haired man and a blonde-haired woman were filmed by a member of the public who saw them laying n*ked on a patch of grass.
The pair stripped off behind a cash and carry depot and the onlooker captured the act from behind a metal fence.
The 90-second clip filmed by the concerned local shows the man on top of the woman near to Doncaster College, South Yorkshire.
During the clip, the woman, who is laid on her back, can be seen puffing on a cigarette before discarding a dog-end into the undergrowth.
The man who stumbled upon a couple enjoying openly intimate relations in Doncaster, South Yorkshire, has revealed he was searching for a fishing spot when he saw the couple.
He said: ‘I was out cycling with my mate and we were looking for spots to fish at. We were cycling across the top of a disused railway bridge. It goes up to a dead end and they were at the bottom in a grassy area.
‘They were both fully undressed and taking their time over everything – they could have been there for hours. They didn’t have a care in the world.’
The video taker explained that although the area was behind a disused railway bridge, it’s quite close to Doncaster town centre.
He said: ‘This area is right near town, it’s a stone’s throw from Doncaster college. I’m a keen fisherman and sometimes I take my five-year-old
daughter with me – what if we’d come across that together?’
The man, who wished to remain anonymous, added: ‘I took the video to show a few people because I didn’t think anyone would believe me.
‘I wanted to call the police because it’s indecent exposure and I wish I had called the police now.’
He added: ‘I got really close up to them and could hear them talking – there were speaking in a foreign language.
‘Why would you have to meet somewhere like that to do something like that? I would never do anything like that. ‘It’s disgusting.’ 
The romp took place a short distance from nearby railway lines and is only a few minutes walk from the town’s market place and a busy car park used by hundreds of shoppers, commuters and office workers.
Last September, South Yorkshire Police announced it was stepping up efforts to prosecute people committing acts of public indecency in Doncaster.
South Yorkshire Police have been contacted for comment.
Watch the video HERE

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