Never under estimate the power of the social media. It happened to Olajumoke Orisaguna the former bread seller, Oresegun Olumide the super amazing creative artist and now windscreen washer Abdulahi Olatoyan.
Abdulahi Olatoyan is poised at the edge of international fame as he has been featured by media giant CNN.
Olatoyan was spotted in the streets of Abeokuta dressed in his sharp suit and tie as he cleans car screens that ply the road. After his story went online, style doctor Uche Nnaji who is the Creative Director and Founder of OUCH offered to train him as a stylist for free.
Read what CNN has to say about him below.
In Congo, Sapeurs (the Society of tastemakers and elegant people), are known for their love of luxury tailoring even while performing the most mundane of tasks. But one car windscreen cleaner in Nigeria’s Abeokuta is competing for this title.
Abdulahi Olatoyan, who is a university dropout in his early thirties, turned to the streets to make a living and save enough money to start his own business.
Wearing a bright polka dot suit and red velvet bow tie, Olatoyan says he hopes to return to school one day and finish his studies.
“I didn’t want to be wandering the streets doing nothing” he explains, adding he wanted to make sure people knew he was serious about his work.
“He is the first suited windscreen cleaner I have ever seen”, says photographer Daniel Sync, who decided to take
Sync spotted the cleaner on his way to work and rushed to the office to pick up his camera. The photographs have since gone viral – with Olatoyan being offered a job at Nigerian clothing line OUCH.
The label’s designer Uche Nnaji posted on Instagram that Olatoyan could come work at his company, and listed seven reasons why he deserved the job. He asked his 18,000 followers to help track down the elegant squeegee man.
Olatoyan has now been offered a position as ‘style doctor’ at the menswear brand: “I have a team of young people that I call style doctors,” says Nnaji, “when I saw him I thought this person is someone that likes looking good and can style others”.
“I saw attitude in him and thought if this man is doing this just to go and wash cars, he is someone that will work with a different mindset even if he’s doing the least popular job in the company” he added.
Olatoyan will soon begin offering his own distinctive opinions on style and taste to customers.
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