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And It's Time to Reach Out and Bless a Fellow Reader!

God doesn't owe us anything- yet in His grace, He still gives us good things.

I can see how it might be possible for a man to look down upon the earth and be an atheist, but I cannot conceive how he could look up into the heavens and say there is no God. Knowing fully well that if you took the love of all the best mothers and fathers who ever lived (think about that for a moment) -- all the goodness, kindness, patience, fidelity, wisdom, tenderness, strength and love -- and
united all those virtues in one person, that person would only be a faint shadow of the love and mercy in the heart of God for you and me.

God gave you a heart to love with, not to hate with, God gave you the ability to create heaven on earth, not hell. It's time to REACH OUT and bless a fellow reader, my dearest. 
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Time to be our brother's keeper... Time to bless the new week of that reader of your choice. Trust me, prayers go a long a way, especially prayers for someone. It shows selflessness and love and we need a lot of love in our world today. Today where evil takes the very fore, love is the only medicine we need to defeat this. 

So dearies, who do you wanna reach out to tonight?

I'm reaching out to every Lailan, far and wide, home and abroad.

This coming weekend is Christmas. May God bless you this week! May he bless you with all the things you want, with all your heart's desires.

May he grant us all the prayers we will say tonight on behalf of each other. I wish and pray you stay blessed!

Merry Christmas in advance, sweetheart!

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