I believe everyone of us have our own view on this topic and are willing to participate accordingly.
Permit me to contribute to this wonderful article, so that we all can continue to learn and be inspired.
Permit me to contribute to this wonderful article, so that we all can continue to learn and be inspired.
Abstinence Before Marriage.
Abstinence is a practice of restraining oneself from indulging in something, typically alcohol, sex, stealing, etc.But today, we are going to be talking about"Abstinence" in relation to sex before marriage.
Marriage is the legally or formally recognized union of a man and woman as partners in a relationship. It is a sacred union because it is rooted in the divine plans of creation.
Pre-marital sex is a big issue in our society today, even when you meet the right woman or man, you still have to resist temptation and most times it is not easy.
A lot of people say waiting before marriage is "Old school" or unachievable in this day and age.We need to be different as children of God. What made Joseph in the bible stand out was because he was different. He refused to defile himself with his master's wife. You can read about this in Gen 39 vs 1-23.It is not just in area of sexual sin alone, but also in everything else.
Question: Is Abstinence Before Marriage A Realistic Message?
Answer: Many in modern culture have declared that sexual morality is dead.God designed sex to be enjoyed within a committed marital relationship (marriage).Sexual abstinence before marriage is often difficult and requires commitment.
In reality, the sexual enlightenment philosophy has brought our culture a lot of negative
things---porn addiction, sexually transmitted diseases, emotional damage and abortion on demand.
Singles hook up with strangers for casual sex.But that's not how God designed sex to work.
Singles hook up with strangers for casual sex.But that's not how God designed sex to work.
Many see "Abstinence" as unrealistic because no one has shown them how to live it out.No one should force you to have sex before marriage. If you want to honor God by saving sex for a marriage relationship, then you can do it.
Don't put yourself in situations where you will be tempted to compromise your values or your sexual purity.Dont tempt the devil to tempt you.
Abstinence is more than not having sex before marriage. Strive for sexual purity in all areas of your life---in thought, in words, In action. If you think about or talk about sex a lot, you are going to have a lot harder time not doing it.
Sometimes, it is not an easy price to pay. But I can tell you that the benefits are immeasurable.
Sometimes, it is not an easy price to pay. But I can tell you that the benefits are immeasurable.
Is "Abstinence" realistic? Yes
Is "Abstinence" always easy? No, but with God it is possible.
Is "Abstinence" always easy? No, but with God it is possible.
Note : Perhaps you have already lost your virginity. Please know that God is in the business of second chances.He wants you to come to Him in repentance, and He will forgive your sins and heal your heart.
It is not too late to make the choice to live righteously and in ways that are pleasing to Him.
It is not too late to make the choice to live righteously and in ways that are pleasing to Him.
Finally, my advise is that couples should have reasonable expectations of their spouses and not expect them to be like angels.
Esther Omoize Imaku.
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