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Father Accused Paedophillia Hits Back, Says Nothing Is Wrong With Nudity (Photos)

Is there anything wrong with a man bathing with his baby daughter? Many people think it is.

A Danish comedian who innocently posted a picture on Facebook of himself in the bath with his daughter has been branded a paedophile by followers on Facebook, who presumably enjoy feeling outraged at nothing.

Torben Chris, quite rightly, hit back at his critics, and others who have a go at dads for having a bath with their kids, saying there was nothing wrong with it and that it was ‘bloody disgusting’ for dad’s not to bathe their kids.

See full photo after the cut

He wrote on his Facebook:

"Someone told me that he had been accused of paedophilia by a stranger because he bathed with his two-year-old daughter.

Another had been warned on his “urge” towards paedophilia, because he had shared a picture of a French braid on his 11-year-old daughter’s bare back on social media.

There was even a father whose wife thinks it was inappropriate, if your daughter sees her
father urinate.

Listen: children and adults can be naked together.

There is nothing wrong with a father who washes his daughter’s bottom and vagina when she’s a child. On the contrary, it is bloody disgusting if nobody does it, and unfair if only the mother does it.

If we couldn’t stand to see each other naked we’d be born with clothes on.

Nudity with your child’s not gross, but natural. A father in the shower with his daughter’s not paedophilia, it’s fun."

The comedian was inspired to make the post after being contacted by parents who’d been accused of paedophillia by busybodies.

The Facebook post has received almost 60,000 likes and has been shared more than 6,500 times.

So, folks, do you think the man is right?

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