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This Woman Turned Kim Kardashian’s Placenta Into Capsules, And Kim Eats It!

Now that Kim Kardashian has given birth her son, Saint West, she is completing the birth cycle by eating her own placenta.

Thanks to Kim’s friend Joni Lucarelli, she can dine on her own placenta by swallowing gel capsules.

“I had great results and felt so energized and didn’t have any signs of depression … Every time I take a pill, I feel a surge of energy and feel really healthy and good,” Kim wrote in a blog post on Monday.

According to Page Six, Lucarelli has been “encapsulating” placentas for years. She asks the hospital to scoop up placenta afterbirth off the floor and bag them for processing later.

Lucarelli says no placenta goes to waste.

“The studies are inconclusive but anecdotally, what we’re seeing is that women who are bringing their placenta back into their bodies this way are reporting that their milk supplies are better for the baby, their energy is higher, they don’t seem to be struggling with postpartum depression to the extent that women [who] are not doing this may be,” Lucarelli said.

It should be noted that
Lucarelli didn’t provide any scientific data to back up her claims.

The Six reports that, after washing the afterbirth, Lucarelli uses a “Traditional Chinese Method” to “gently steam the placenta with lemon, ginger and hot pepper” before drying the tissue.

She also uses another method of processing the afterbirth raw and dehydrating the entrails at room temperature not to exceed 118 degrees (this is the method Kardashian chose).

The pills are then returned to the mom in a Ziplock baggie, usually within a day’s time.

The entire process — from bagging to drying to encapsulating — costs $275.

So far, no one has done a DNA test on the capsules to make sure they contain dried placenta and not a placebo (sugar pills).

Sandra Rose

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