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When Women Fight Over a Man. A Blog Reader Experience

Hey lailans, So i went to see a friend of mine in her house only to join them in separating dis violent lady from her so called boyfriend whom she already stabbed twice. The guy said they just met a week ago and were not even dating but they made out the very first day they met and told her point blank that hes got a son and in a serious relationship with the mother of his son whom he's getting married to soonest and that was the end of it. Only for this lady to come to his house to look for him but unfortunately he wasn't around and she met the guy's girlfriend (the mother of his son). She instantly introduced herself as the guy's girlfriend to the lady whom she met inside the house and was even challenging her what she was doing in her boyfriend's house. The lady who is the real girlfriend and the mother of the guy's son was scared and told her that she was the guy's sister because she was scared and that being the first time a lady would walk into her house to introduce herself as her boyfriend's girl.
She quickly  introduced herself as the guy's sister because she wanted to find out more from the girl because she didn't believe the guy could have someone else not to talk of walking up to their house to introduce herself. And because of the way the girl was acting very strange like she was about to beat her up. She even went ahead to tell her that if she knows her brother's ex-girlfriend who owns all the ladies stuffs she saw in the room, she should please tell her to come and pack everything or she would burn them as shes the new girlfriend now and shes very jealous and hot tempered. The babymama was confused and really scared because everything was strange to her. She called her boyfriend instantly and he admitted but denied any relationship with the girl as they just met and mere friends. That he was even confused as well why she would come into his house and start introducing herself
as his girlfriend. The lady believed him because she trusted him alot and they went on with their relationship. Only for this girl to come back again to the same house, fortunately, the guy was around on this day and ordered the girl to leave his house at once that nothing is between them and she shouldn't break his relationship. This led to a big fight as the girl slapped him and called him all sort of names that he was a liar and that she was in love with him already after sleeping with him. that he lied to her that it was over between him and his baby mama, that he was going to marry her and was just waiting for his baby mama to leave his life completely. before we could say jack robinson, she picked up a bottle, broke it and stabbed the guy, smashed the flatscreen TV and some other things. This led to a big fight. We had to call the girl's friends to come around as she was acting very strange and abnormal. They were also shocked and confused to see their friend in the guy's house. They confirmed the guy's story as they all met him the same day and their friend started tripping for him instantly and he told her that he's got a son and a serious relationship but the girl acted deaf on that day only for her to come back at their back. Now the question is " does she think sex can actually keep a man or snatch a man?? Guys would lie and tell u anything just to get in-between ur legs. Ladies pls lets try to maintain our dignity. Its very important. And pls what advice can u help give the babymama because shes heartbroken and wants to walk away from the relationship but the guy has been begging her seriously to stay.

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