Despite its reputation for being temperamental, the pe nis doesn’t ask for much support, protection, a safe distance from heavy machinery. A healthy diet is important for the wellbeing of your pe nis. The food you eat is crucial for se xual health, from erection strength to sperm motility.
Make your little guy look bigger by flattening your belly with these superfoods.
Banana: Hard men have healthy hearts, so eat bananas for potassium, which is great for your heart and circulation. Getting enough potassium helps keep your sodium levels under control, stopping your blood pressure from hitting the roof and reducing your risk of heart problems. If you eat too much salt and don’t like bananas, get your potassium from oranges.
Watermelon: Watermelon is one of the richest natural sources of L-citrulline, an amino acid that can help make your erection harder. Once it’s in the body, it converts to L-arginine, stimulating the production of nitric oxide, which increases blood flow to the pe nis, strengthening erections.
Potatoes: Potatoes—whether they’re the white or the sweet variety are a great source of potassium. This nutrient boosts circulation, which keeps blood flowing where it needs to go and boosts your bedroom pleasure.
Liver: liver is loaded with zinc, which is essential for keeping testosterone levels up and prevents your body from converting T into estrogen. Beef liver is also high in Vitamin B12, a deficiency of which has been lined to erectile dysfunction.
Honey: Honey, unlike table sugar, is packed with beneficial compounds like quercetin, which has been shown to aid athletic endurance and ward off depression—two very good things for
Peanuts: Peanuts contain a trove the amino acid L-arginine, which is one of the building blocks of nitric oxide, that gas which aids erections. They also help reduce cholesterol levels. The less cholesterol you have in your system, the easier it is for blood to circulate throughout your body and down to your pe nis, which can help you maintain a firmer erection longer.
Avocados: This green fruit is rich in potassium, vitamin B6 and vitamin E, nutrients that have been associated with increased libido. Plus, avocados’ good monounsaturated fats protect your heart and boost circulation, while their abundant minerals and carotenoids supply energy and stamina.
Strawberries: Once your heart’s racing, strawberries can help get the blood flow where it needs to go. They’re packed with anthocyanins, colorful plant chemicals which help keep your arteries unclogged, boosting circulation and erection quality. Plus, they’re rich in vitamin C, which has been linked to higher s perm counts.
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