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Here Are The Ways To Know You're Dating A Real Man

914246970bd1939bb072145ff4b0671d_L You know As a woman, there’s nothing better than being in the presence of a man who relishes in his masculinity in a way that doesn’t involve the obvious chest-pounding and cat-calling, but the confident reserve of a gentleman. Now, before you accuse me of hating men, let me be clear; I love more things about men than I can put into one article. This is not about finding female empowerment though man-bashing. Quite the opposite, actually. It’s a celebration of the grown up man’s man who knows how to treat a woman. What does this man look like, to me, at least? Well…
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1. He is hygenic, but cleans his nails and trims his nose hairs outside of a nail salon. Think about it: Would Hemingway or Gladiator be getting his nails buffed? Methinks not.
2. He can balance both swag and sophistication and a career and a personal life without too many proverbial exclamation points (and certainly not multiple ones in a text message. No, no, no).
3. He reserves his “LOL” for actual laughter, which he exudes out loud and often.

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