Listen up ladies and gentlemen, here are the 22 tell-tale signs that your relationship is over. When these signs start showing up, brace up for something shocking.
When these signs start creeping in, know that your relationship might soon be over. Here are the 22 tell-tale signs according to Tracey Cox to tell you that your relationship is over.
1. You feel physically unsafe
This is the absolute deal breaker for most people and rightly so.
2. Something amazingly good or awful happens and they aren’t the first person you call
It’s a subtle but vital ‘Eureka’ moment when you realise you’ve just called three best friends before even thinking of phoning your partner to tell them important news.
3. You think about contacting your exes – or actually do it
The more unsure you feel about your current relationship, the more exes start to swim their way back into your consciousness.
4. You’re putting out feelers to see if you’ve still ‘got it’
Plenty of people leave the relationship they’re in while they’re still in it.
You realise you’re flirting with friends, making eye contact with strangers, checking your attractiveness.
If you’re thinking about contacting your exes, it may be time to call it a day (stock picture)
If you’re thinking about contacting your exes, it may be time to call it a day (stock picture)
5. You’re sick of feeling constantly upset or angry
You’ve been trying to solve your problems for a long time and all the angst, anger, sadness and constant anxiety has taken its toll.
You’re stretched to breaking point.
6. You’re getting sick all the time
You catch every single illness that’s going around because your immune system is weakened from all the fighting.
The third cold you’ve had this month is the straw that breaks you.
7. You’re honest about what’s going on
You’re no longer pretending it’s great or air-brushing when you describe your relationship to close friends.
Tracey says if you realise you’ve been doing all the work all along, it may be time to end it
Tracey says if you realise you’ve been doing all the work all along, it may be time to end it
8. You realise it takes two people to break a relationship as well as make it
You’re finally able to step back and look logically at what’s working and what isn’t – and aren’t kidding yourself it’s all their fault.
You’re aware that even if your partner is an absolute scumbag, the fact you’re staying with someone who is clearly bad for you means you need to look at any toxic love habits.
9. You realise you like you, even if they don’t
Some exes have helped you see ‘faults’ that were worth fixing but this person’s trying to alter the core of you.
10. The world is full of attractive people again
When you were in love and happy, invisible shutters seemed to
filter the ‘hotness’ of strangers: you notice good-looking people but their attractiveness is on a muted setting.
Suddenly, it’s like someone’s turned the volume up to MAXIMUM. Everyone seems to be appealing in some way.
11. You realise you’ve been doing all the work, all along
While you’ve been bending and flexing and moulding yourself to fit around them, they haven’t altered one thing.
12. You see a dodgy message on their social media and really can’t be bothered asking about it
Instead of making you feel upset and betrayed, you’re quite pleased to find proof they really aren’t ever going to change.
13. You realise you can’t truly trust them to do anything important
This goes for everything from turning off the stove to feeding the cat to not hitting on your best friend or looking after your visiting Mum.
14. Same s***, different day
You really thought you’d solved the problem once and for all but here it comes again.
15. If they fell for someone else, it would actually do you a favour
You wouldn’t look like the bad guy for wanting to leave.
16. You’re sick of treading on eggshells
A life spent tip-toeing around someone is intensely stressful. It dawns on you that the only time you truly relax is when they leave the house.
17. You might still love them but you don’t actually like them any more
You realise if you met your partner for the first time now, you’d not only have nothing in common, you’d actively dislike them.
18. You’ve avoided having sex with them for months
You either don’t fancy them any more – to the point where you get ‘skin crawl’ at the thought of sex – or you’re so angry, you’re not sure you trust yourself to get physically close.
19. You don’t care if you are ‘throwing away’ all those years spent together by leaving
Why would you want to waste another second of your life on someone who really isn’t worth it?
20. You realise you haven’t laughed together in years
You don’t even have the same sense of humour.
21. You feel like you’re on a reality TV show – and not in a good way
The soap opera element is starting to seem farcical.
22. You’ve stopped obsessing about ‘What if I don’t meet anyone else?’
There’s nothing lonelier than being in the wrong relationship.
If you never meet anyone again, it’s still better than being in this goddamn awful place.
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