After tragically attempting to take her own life, a gorgeous model has been left paralyzed from the waist down.
Former beauty contest hopeful Debora Dantas, who competed in Brazil’s famous Miss Bumbum competition, attempted to commit suicide following her battle with depression.
She has revealed how a suicide attempt has left her paralysed from the waist down in a distressing footage. The stunning model had been downing booze and anti-depressants when she threw herself from the fourth floor of an apartment block in an attempt to take her life, according to local reports.
Miraculously, the 23-year-old survived the deadly 66-foot fall onto the street, but suffered paraplegia, which left her paralysed from the waist down.
In a desperate plea from her hospital bed in Brazilia, the pretty brunette begs her fans to pray for her after admitting the plunge has left her with life-changing injuries.
Managing a smile despite her obvious state of distress, she said:
“I don’t know if the news has reached you yet but I’ve suffered paraplegia.”For me and God what’s impossible is only a matter of opinion. Keep on praying for me because I’m very happy with everything you’ve done for me so far. “I’m making this video to say thank you to my loved ones for their help, to everyone who’s come to visit me and are prepared to be here with me.”
After news of the suicide attempt, a friend told a local paper Debora had been drinking heavily before her fall.
She revealed: “She was always drinking a lot and taking lots of medication. She was depressed all the time and had emotional problems.
“She used to say her life was empty and made no sense.”
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