You know the seriousness of cancer. You know the toll it takes mentally, emotionally, financially, spiritually, and physically. It causes stress in your own mind and body as well as in your relationships with friends and family. Most of the foods you eat everyday may potentially increase your cancer risk.
Soda: Sodas are a sugar loaded, empty source of calories that can be very detrimental to your health. In addition to being linked with weight gain, inflammation, and insulin resistance, this sweet caffeinated beverage can lead to gastro-esophageal reflux disease. This condition causes the stomach acid to leak back into the esophagus resulting in pain and burning. Again, drinking soda in moderation can be helpful to reduce the risk of contracting cancer through the chemicals within the drink. However, drinking more than one per day is quite bad for you. Cutting the use of soda out altogether could be the best option you have for leading a healthier, cancer-free lifestyle.
Potato chips: Potato chips are high in both fat and calories which cause obesity and even high blood pressure. While they may be satisfying to eat, the negative effect they have on your body may be hard to stomach. Potato chips are calorie dense and high in fat content, both of which contribute to unintended weight gain. Not to mention many popular brands are high in trans fats and sodium which can result in higher blood pressure. Although they are delicious, potato chips can cause some very undesirable effects as a part of your daily diet.
Processed meat: Processed meats, which include hot dogs, sausages, bacon, and most lunch meats, can be damaging to your health. These meats contain chemicals and excessive amounts of salt that are used in the manufacturing process. These preservatives can cause cancer within the human body, though. Both sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite have been known to increase the chances of contracting colon and other forms of cancer. However, even eating processed meats in moderation can be fine.
Refined sugar: Sugar in large quantities has always been bad for the human body, though it is also a necessity in some cases, too. However, refined sugars have been known to rapidly spike insulin levels and feed the growth of cancer cells within the human body. Cancer cells have been found to appear quickly and easily metabolize to spread throughout the body in those who eat too much refined sugar in their diet. Cookies, cakes, pie, soda, cereal, sauce, juice, and many other processed foods use these types of sugars regularly. Cancer rates are on the rise due to the aforementioned food items being readily available within stores throughout the country. The cancer cells in your body feed off this sugar in far greater quantities than healthy cells do, unfortunately. Health conditions abound with the intake of sugar, but cancer is the worst case scenario.
Canned tomatoes: The majority of canned products sold are a cause for concern, but canned tomatoes appear to be the worst. The lining in the cans used to contain said food is made using a chemical known as bisphenol-A, or BPA. This chemical is highly toxic to the human body and will speed the growth of cancerous cells inside.
Artificial sweetener: Artificial sweeteners tend to be used when people try to lose weight or avoid sugar due to their dietary concerns. Unfortunately, the problem with these alternatives is that those who consume them on a regular basis, such as in soda or coffee sweeteners, tend to actually gain weight overall. They also do far little to nothing to help with those suffering from diabetes. In fact, artificial sweeteners tend to make it far more difficult for the body to regular the blood sugar levels.
Alcohol: Alcohol has always been known to cause problems within the human body, especially when one drinks far more than they should. Alcohol is currently the second leading cause of cancer, just behind tobacco usage. Moderate to low consumption of alcohol can be healthy and even lead to a reduced risk in heart disease, but excessive drinking may cause heart failure, stroke, or sudden death. Research on Cancer found that alcohol usage may cause mouth, esophagus, liver, colon, rectum, and female breast cancers. A glass of wine or alcohol after dinner could be good for your health, but leave it at one to ensure nothing bad occurs.
Red meat: Eating red meat occasionally won’t increase your risk of getting cancer. Unfortunately, eating large quantities or on a daily basis can, in fact, help cancer cells grow within the body. Small amounts of red meat can be really beneficial to your health, overindulging like in many other types of foods, is where the problem lies. High consumption of red meat is linked to increases in development of colorectal cancer.
Hydrogenated oils: Hydrogenated oils are vegetable oils that that must be chemically removed from their source and frequently deodorized as well as colored to look appealing. All vegetable oils are high in Omega–6 fatty acids which may cause heart disease and various cancers, especially skin cancer.
Diet and low- fat foods: Anything that is marked as “Diet” or “Low Fat” is pretty much saying they are loaded with chemicals that are going to wreak havoc on your poor, little body. Typically, these diet foods will be filled up with aspartame, artificial colouring, artificial flavours and preservatives. All of these are known to be cancer-causing agents. It is best to stay away from these diet or low fat foods and instead eat fresh, organic foods.
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