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The lab scientist kept asking question which pricks my conscience. I sat down like someone already condemned for crucifixion.

Finally…. she brings out a syringe and draws a little out of my blood (looking at the blood… please be negative).

Lab scientist: we are done for the first stage. Come back in the next 30mins for the result.
Me: (relieved a bit) thank you ma.

I stepped outside only to meet Sarah waiting for me outside. She suggested while we wait: we should go and look for something to it.

We asked one of the nurses and she volunteers to take us there.
It’s not really a five star canteen but it’s still manageable. We both ordered for our breakfast without saying a word to each other. We continued eating like that for awhile before Sarah decided to break the silence.

Sarah: (makes a sound) don’t you want to talk about it?
Me: what? I’m fine (forcing a smile)
Sarah: (Smiling) you can’t be fine. Because no one comes for this type of test and be fine. I’m nervous myself.
Me: really …. I’m not feeling okay about it. What if I’m positive? (cuts me off).
Sarah: it’s not nice saying a thing like that when you are expecting a good result. Just eat your food and let’s go back to the hospital. You can’t be positive. I’m very sure of that.

I kept muted till we finished the meal. We paid and we left for the hospital. The closer we get, the harder my heartbeat gets.
I entered the lab and the lady scientist asked me to sit down. She was not even Smiling this time. Maybe I’m positive?

Lab scientist: sorry for the time.
Me: no problem.
Lab scientist: there some questions I will still ask you…. I wont take much of your time.
Me: (give me my result first) okay.

She kept telling me that I should keep to one girlfriend. If I can’t abstain from s*x, I should use protection (condom).

She finally told me that I was negative. I shouted in joy. She gave ten packets of condom. I dint want to collect it but she insisted on it.

I collected the condoms and that was when I looked at her face very well (she’s beautiful oo).

Lab scientist: you need to do this type of test in every 3months
Me: Okay… thank you very much ma.
Lab scientist: it’s my job but you are welcome. (she handed me the result paper).

I made for the door and the smile on my face didn’t need any more confirmation from Sarah.

She gave me her result. She’s negative too. We were very happy that we threw caution to the wind. She came closer and she kissed me. I reciprocated the kiss by sliding my tongue into her mouth.
I was enjoying it when two abroko nurses just bursted out from nowhere. We dis-engaged quickly but it seems they saw us because they just hissed when they bypass us (who cares… see their tololo legs sef shioo).

We headed for the car. I started the engine and we drove out of the compound.

Me: (very excited) where are we heading to?
Sarah: just drive to surulere… I know of a place where we can catch fun.
Me: surulere it is… (I sped off).

I just kept wondering why she would take me for a test and not informing me… my head was full of so many unanswered questions. I just kept driving towards Surulere.
It’s now 11:04am. We are still on our way to surulere. I then broke the silence.

Me: why do you decide to take me for a test?
Sarah: it’s for your own good…. so you will feel secured with me
Me: it’s good but I went through hell today.
Sarah: same with me when I first came for a test.
Me: I don’t think I will come again oooo.
Sarah: you sure will…. the tension won’t be like the first one.
Me: Okay oooo…. if you say so.
Sarah: the truth about the test is that my friend doesn’t like having s*x with condoms. So she always insists on tests from the person she’s going to mate.
Me: hmnnnnn… what about her own status too?
Sarah: she always checks hers… she will present her test result to you while you present yours.
Me: (not happy) I’m not comfortable with this development. If it were to be you… henhen… accepted but someone that I have not even met before.
Sarah: don’t worrry… you will like her. All I need is your assurance.
Me: (curious) on what?
Sarah: you promise me that you won’t let her snatch you away from me….
Me: (laughing)… that’s not possible na
Sarah: (now sounds more serious)…. just promise me

I dint answer her but just swerved off the fast lane and I entered an unknown street. I parked.

Me: Okay… I promise but if I may ask what makes you think she might snatch me from you.?
Sarah: (now looking down.. embarrassed by the question) though she’s much older than me; she’s more beautiful and richer than me. I just can’t compete with her in anything. (tears rolling down her eyes)
Me: Okay… I promise…. but we can still back out now.
Sarah: it’s too late for that now… she has already cancelled all her appointment for next week; just because of you. (still looking down)
Me: oh…. I see.. don’t worry yourself, I will always be there for you. No matter how bad things are… I promise.

I removed my seat belt to lean over to her side and I kissed her. The kiss meant a lot of things to her: So I let her savour the moment before breaking off.

Sarah: Femi… stay with me. I know that very soon I will be sharing you with someone but please don’t throw back my love at my face.
Femi… I love you.

The mood and tone in her voice confirms it but what I don’t really understand is that “how people claim to love someone and they are letting them go?”. I managed to reply her in my confused state of mind.

Me: I love you too.

I started the ignition and I hit back on the road. After driving for like 5mins without saying a word. I asked for direction while approaching surulere.
She directed me and around 12:15am: we got to an hotel around surulere axis.
We went to the relaxation spot and we ordered for drinks and catfish. Sarah don’t drink alcoholics stuffs. She ordered for juice while I ordered for 3 bottles of small stout.
As we were relaxing, I saw some guys playing snooker around the poolside. I excused myself and I strolled with a glass of stout in my right hand while my left hand is pocketed (forming big boy).

I greeted the guy. They were four guys playing for game. I don’t know how to play but I know the rules. They were playing rotational game.

I was beginning to enjoy the game when suddenly three of the guys rounded me up.

I don enter another wahala… Wetin Sarah carry me con do here..

To Be Continued…

Hope una all dey my back like dele?

Any prophet or prophetess in the room who can predict if the dream involving bidemi would come to pass?

‪#‎keep‬ your comments coming😄


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