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See 6 ways to know if you satisfy your wife/girlfriend in Bed

Today, on MaDailygist Hot!, we have another sex-pert in the house, Ms Vicky Osubor and she takes us on another orgasmride. This time, she talks about why some women fake when in the real world, they have not gotten to that great point every woman long for during se.x.
Enjoy her!
In my over 8 years of dealing with couples on issues of se.x, I have come to realise that more than 70% of women fake and the funny thing is that their husband’s or lovers are not the wiser.
Some fake it very regularly, that is, every time she has se.x, while others  only do it sometimes.
In fact, there was a woman I treated and she confessed that she has never experienced for the 6 years she had been married to her husband but has to put up a fake show every time they make love.
Most women are often afraid to be
truthful, or simply don’t know themselves what’s possible. The woman may also feel pressure to perform and prove herself a se.xy woman and in such situations, she has to put up an act.
On the other hand, most men don’t realize that the woman needs to first to feel safe, comfortable, intimate, and in touch with her sensuality before she’s ready for genital stimulation. She may be afraid to say that she needs more time.
Another problem is that some men do not even take the time to turn their women on before humping on her and before she is even ready, he is done and rolls off her.
She may be afraid to say that she needs more time. She may be afraid to show her real feelings if they don’t fit what’s supposed to happen in bed. And she may be afraid to hurt her husband’s feelings by telling him that whatever they are doing is not turning her on.
That said, here are some signs that a woman is faking
If you want to know if you are being duped, use the following signs that she really is having an to distinguish the fake from the real big O

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