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You Have A Bloated Stomach? Warning Signs That You Should Never Ignore!

When one has overfed or is lactose intolerant there can be cases of bloated stomach and that is not so serious. However, bloated stomach can be caused by far more serious causes like cancer. How can we tell the difference? Take a look at some of the diagnoses related to dangerous and grave bloating.


Weight loss –if you lose weight all of a sudden and you haven’t changed your diet or physical activities, that is something that should worry you.It can be a warning of intestinal cancer or a tumor that secrets certain liquids that make you lose appetite.

Ascites – if you have gained weight and your waist has expanded you may suffer from ascites. This is a result of an uncommon amount of liquid, secreted in your abdomen.It usually points to liver disease. Jaundice (the skin and the whites of the eyes turn yellow) combined with bloatingis a warning of cancer.

Nevertheless, it does not always have to be cancer. It can be hepatitis. If you suffer from grave and sudden pain in your abdomen which co-occurs with nausea and bloating it may signifies that you have a tumor or obstruction caused by scar tissue. The severe pains can come in waves as there is food in the bowels and as they push the food through the obstruction, they cause pain.

Hematocheziaor vaginal bleeding – if there is bleeding between menstruations or post menopause, this may be connected with bloating. This is not an indication of serious illnesses most of the time and it can be a manifestation of irregular menstrual cycle, hemorrhoids, endometrial atrophy or fibroids.The fever accompanied with bloating is a sign of infection. To exclude gastrointestinal, pelvic or urinary infection you should check your blood.

The most severe causes of bloating:

Ovarian cancer is the fifth most common cancer in women. Persistentbloating, pelvic pain and feeling satiated fast are some of the manifestations. The most at- risk age group is that over 50 and they are subjected to the risks of not being able to stay pregnant or staying pregnant late, hormone therapy.

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