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You’ll Be Shocked What Happened at First Bank Branch This Morning (Photos)

According to an eyewitness who sent in this report :
“Am at a first bank now at refinery junction and a civilian is just been brutalised by a police man on plain clothes, it happened that we were all standing ,waiting for our turn to use the ATM,when this man just jumped in front of all and wanted to use the ATM,no one knew he was an officer,the assaulted man then told him to go back and join the line,that was all,the policeman first sprayed teargas in his eyes and beat him up to a pulp when the mob wanted to react against the policeman,
he ran into the bank,that’s when we all knew the policeman was a security attachee to the bank.
The assaulted man cried like a baby,I really felt bad because this is someone’s wife and father,his lawyer later came with the mans wife,I think its gonna be a court case because the lawyer is visibly angry.

Victim With his lawyer inside the bank
Please let our banks caution the security men to treat her customer right. Especially,this bank.
More photos below

The policeman


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